Testimoniale – companii

Companii     Candidati

Seriozitate, profesionalism, promptitudine sunt coordonatele care caracterizeaza firma  ABC Human Capital,

O colaborare frumoasa alaturi de oameni frumosi. Recomand compania ABC Human Capital cu cea mai mare incredere!

Green Ideas Group MTC
Paraschiv Corina

“I have had the pleasure of working with ABC Human Capital for the past 5 years helping us find and select the right candidates. Their HR consultants are very well trained and professional in their approach. It has been a pleasure working with ABC Human Capital for our recruitment needs. I can confidently recommend ABC Human Capital as solid and reliable business partners and experts in their field”.

Dimitris Michailidis - Managing Director

„Am ales sa colaboram cu ABC Human Capital  ca furnizor de servicii de recrutare, datorita calitatii deosebite a serviciilor prestate si a eficientei procesului de recrutare-selectie. Totodata, echipa de recrutare a ABC Human Capital, prin profesionalismul membrilor sai, a oferit intotdeauna suportul in alegerea celor mai bune optiuni si solutii pentru solicitarile noastre punctuale legate de serviciile de recrutare-selectie.

In concluzie, recomand compania ABC Human Capital, ca fiind un colaborator profesionist si de incredere pentru orice companie cu care va relationa si apreciez serviciile sale de calitate si flexibilitatea solutiilor oferite care o diferentiaza intr-un mod favorabil de competitorii sai. ”


EBV Finance Edenred
Gabriela-Georgeta PAUN, Managing Director

Colaborarea pe care o avem ABC Human Capital ne-a adus oameni valorosi in echipa. Profesionalismul de care au dat dovada ne-a convins sa revenim si pentru alte proiecte care s-au desfasurat cu succes in contextul in care piata muncii este din ce in ce mai dinamica. Recomandam ABC Human Capital pentru tenacitatea cu care au reusit sa finalizeze cu succes fiecare proiect de recrutare la care am colaborat.


Dental Excellence
Dental Excelence
D.Caragea - Director General

It was a pleasure to collaborate with ABC Human Capital in our first externalized headhunting recruitment project.

We were in contact with the assigned consultant throughout the entire process and exchanged transparently opinions about the candidates and the match with the role.

I appreciate the balance kept between the client’s demands and the candidate’s profile and also extra information shared about HR trends and market situation.

Corina assured me that the “job will get done” and so it was.

I would gladly endorse ABC Human Capital as a Romanian professional recruitment company and I would collaborate with Corina Diaconu without any hesitation, should the opportunity arise.

Andreia Șișu - Human Resources & Administrative Dept. Deputy Chief
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