Testimoniale – companii
Companii Candidati
ABC Human Capital ne-a ajutat in gasirea unora dintre angajatii cu nivele cheie de expertiza. Tipul de oameni pe care ii gasesti cu dificultate si daca ai noroc. N-a fost usor, insa tenacitatea lor a facut ca in final cautarea sa se incheie cu un succes pentru toata lumea.

Colaborăm cu Agenţia ABC Human Capital de un an de zile şi într-un timp foarte scurt ne-au convins că pot fi un partener de încredere.
Promptitudine, dedicare, flexbilitate şi înţelegere sunt doar câteva dintre cuvintele care definesc raspunsul ABC Human Capital la cerinţele noastre pentru fiecare proiect derulat împreună şi întotdeauna finalizat cu succes.
Comunicarea deschisă ne-a condus spre rezultate foarte bune şi suntem convinşi că şi pe viitor relaţia se va desfăşura cu acelaşi profesionalism.

Seriozitate, promptitudine, profesionalism sunt coordonatele in care am colaborat cu ABC Human Capital. Intr-o perioada in care este mai mult decat dificil sa gasesti un loc de munca, ABC Human Capital este una din putinele agentii de recrutare care are mai multe proiecte in derulare, unul din ele potrivindu-se profilului meu profesional. Recomand cu incredere echipa ABC pentru modul in care a fost finalizat proiectul meu.

I met Corina few years ago, before she started her own business and, from the beginning, she proved to be a great professional and a completely reliable business partner.
I have been working with her in the past 8 years and I will continue to do it as she is always the partner who finds great solutions, delivers excellent results with very good value. Corina has excellent qualities both professional and personal which make her the partner always ready, available and enthusiast who will offer you very qualitative business services and especially, the expected results.
I highly recommend Corina for any type of recruitment project and as a completely trustful business partner.

I have worked with Corina on several projects regarding middle and top management recruitment and I can say she is very hard working, creative, enthusiastic with a determination to get the job done well. She is very interested in finding out what the client wants in order to give a good results. Also she is seeking solutions to some of the issues that may occur.Continuously stayed close to our organization requirements, in order to identify the most suitable candidates for assigned projects within our organization. I would highly recommend the quality of her work, the fact that she is facing new challenges, new opportunities, new ways of self-improvement and building strong relationships.