Lucram pentru voi – dragi parteneri. Fiecare noua recrutare este o provocare pentru noi, o noua ocazie pentru a demonstra ca ne putem mentine la acelasi inalt nivel si ca putem crea proiecte care va vor ajuta sa fiti intotdeauna cu un pas inaintea concurentei.
Consultantii nostrii gestioneaza fiecare proces de recrutare cu profesionalism, tact, grija si deschidere astfel incat succesul recrutarii sa fie rapid demonstrat de activitatea candidatului si, pe termen lung, dovedit de valoarea pe care el/ea o adauga companiei angajatoare.
I have met Corina three years ago, when I chose to collaborate with ABC Human Capital in one of our recruitment projects and I was entirely satisfied with their work.
During the last years, I have decided to work again with ABC Human Capital and in this way I come to know Corina better. She proved to be a complete professional, with a broad perspective over the recruitment process, the candidates profiles and also with great understanding of the client’s needs.
She also has excellent networking skills, plus fantastic business flair, which were demonstrated by her ability to successfully manage her own company for over 6 years.
I am fully recommending Corina as partner for your need of professional recruitment services.