CASE MANAGER – Covered Cases – banking

  • Full Time
  • Bucuresti
  • This position has been filled


⇥Providing debt collection activities and related activities in the Company;
⇥Perform tasks assigned by the direct superiors and provide any activities which are coming from a hierarchic superior forum
⇥Representing the business interests of the Company, to follow maximizes revenue, according to Transport Regulations in force, ensuring payment of debts and lower flow integrates;
⇥Keeping in touch with customers by telephone and personally, as well as others involved in the process, organizations, banks and related structures.
⇥Administrate case, phone and personal customer service insurance;
⇥Respect and knowledge of regulations, including setting Inkasszo;
⇥Preparing the documentations for the Mobile Case managers
⇥Processing the information received from the Mobile Case Managers
⇥Finding proper solutions for both sides, in order to sign Agreements with the debtors and monitoring the signed settlements
⇥Cooperation in taking portfolios in archiving documentation in their inventory, preparing the takeover of documentation, in accordance with the Archive;
⇥Enter data into electronic system, data verification, up-dating them, according to internal regulations on claims taken in administration;
⇥Increasing the percentage of reached contacts and proper using of the skip tracing process
⇥Processing documents received: sales, identification, registration, annexation if appropriate, peer teaching entitled to administrate cases, then according to Transport Regulations document archiving existing;
⇥Preparing correspondence: Annexes multiplication in the number of copies required, checking documentation, recording, enveloping, reference to post;
⇥In cases requiring a decision making forum to prepare documentation, making proposals, bringing decisions, according to its attributions, making agreements and permanent monitoring these cases;
⇥Handing over the financial documents on bills and fees of executors;
⇥Using electronic / computer necessary exchange request;
⇥Registration in the system of judgments, documents on securities and real estate auctions in case of successful bid information on returns.
⇥Participate actively in group work during program and supports work colleagues;
⇥Case managers support mobile work (filling forms / guidance meetings) before access to land business card. Tracking records the results of mobile case managers.
⇥Print letters in all phases of claims administration, sending them and their monitoring. Insurance, especially the monitoring process, sending supporting documents relating to receipts, letters of notification, search addresses and continuous search request judicial stamps, elaborate of empowerment, development requests inheritance, development of joint statements, provide information in execution process, request for information from competent courts or bailiffs, continuous tracking process. Documenting cases reported irrecoverable, recording such data in claims administration program, closure cases.

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Author: Admin

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