Joburi Joburi Controlul Calitatii

Inginer – industria alimentara – Tg. Neamt

Inginer – industria alimentara – Tg. Neamt Scopul general al postului Coordonarea si organizarea procesului de productie in vederea realizarii planului de productie stabilit (pentru sectia in care isi desfasoara activitatea) si a obiectivelor calitatii. Obiectivele postului Coordonarea si acordarea de asistenta tehnica intregului personal din subordine in vederea realizarii productiei. Urmarirea aplicarii politicii organizatiei...

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Head Of Quality Control – pharmaceutical industry

Head Of Quality Control – pharmaceutical industry Acts with the responsibility of effective, efficient management, execution, and evaluation of quality control activities. Completes all tests related to quality control of chemical and microbiological analysis of primary materials, the packaging materials, intermediary and final products, according to GMP, GLP, GRP, the approved documents, the Radiation and Occupational Health...

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Quality Control Manager – pharmaceutical field

Quality Control Manager – pharmaceutical field Manages and is responsible for the safety performance of all activities Is responsible and organizes the control on the following of the requirements and the rules for physical safety, as defined at juridical acts and internal documents Ensures the organizing and functioning of the Quality Control Department and is responsible of the efficient management and the execution of all quality...

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Qualified person – pharmaceutical field

Qualified person – pharmaceutical field JOB DESCRIPTION Manages all the process from beginning of production processes to release of products and decides on “product release” in accordance with GMP requirements. Certifies each batch of finished product before release for sale and verifies the manufacturing records of the product series, issues the conformity certificates which are recorded in the “Register of Batch...

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